Teaching guide


The place for teaching support as campus reopens for September 2020

Welcome to the teaching portal of EPFL!

The teaching portal is designed to bring together all the information you will need as a teacher at EPFL. It is both:

  • reference point for all teachers for the regulations concerning teaching and assessment in EPFL and for advice and support on how to teach and assess effectively;
  • a place for new teachers to get practical information, such as how to complete course documents or how to access the timetable and the classroom.

The structure of the portal follows a teacher’s experience when planning the teaching of a course:

My students

To teach well, it is important to know your students, so the first section will tell you about the students of EPFL; who they are, what they expect and what you can expect from them.

Getting Started

In teaching, as in most things, planning and preparing is the foundation for success. This section explains some of the basic features of EPFL courses and leads you through the course design process.

Evidence-based Teaching and Learning

This section brings together information on a variety of techniques and methods for teaching and the resources that are available to support you; both for on-line and for live courses.

Grading and marking

This section points out the regulations and explains the grading scale and credit system used in EPFL. It also provides advice on evaluating students as well as information on correctly citing sources and links to the anti-plagiarism tools available in the school.

Developing my teaching

This section looks over the different tools you can use to get feedback on your teaching and thus be able to evaluate, adapt and develop your skills.

Teaching support

Here will find additional pedagogical support including consultations for teachers, information about workshops and courses, and guides to flexible teaching.

No scheduled events

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Our team



Who we are?

Bureau BP 1143
Station 16
CH-1015 Lausanne

Access map


Please contact us with any observations or suggestions! teaching@epfl.ch